A Drastic Change of Cancer Leaderships to Save Desperate Cancer Patients

Liau, Ming C. and Craig, Christine L. and Baker, Linda L. (2023) A Drastic Change of Cancer Leaderships to Save Desperate Cancer Patients. In: New Advances in Medicine and Medical Science Vol. 7. B P International, pp. 61-69. ISBN 978-81-19315-24-6

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The objective of this study is to find solutions to save terminal cancer patients desperate to stay alive. Tragically, one of the outcomes of World War II was the adaptation of cytotoxic cancer therapy. Bombs containing poisonous sulphur mustard gas were used during the war. All of the victims of toxic gas bombs had decreased lymphocyte counts in their blood samples, which motivated oncologists to utilise hazardous substances to treat leukaemia patients. Early stage cancer may benefit from cytotoxic cancer therapy when the functionality of chemo-surveillance is not yet fatally damaged. Our studies strongly indicate that cancer is closely related to wound healing. Cancer arises as a consequence of wound unhealing. Untreatable cancers are loaded with CSCs such as primary brain tumors and terminal cancer patients above described. CDA formulations are the best medicines to solve such desperate cases.

There is no mechanism within the health profession to correct the mistakes made by cancer establishments. President Biden was genuinely committed to save cancer patients to declare cancer moonshot initiative. He has the authority to replace leaderships of federal health agencies to correct the mistakes of cancer establishments to save desperate cancer patients.

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: Apsci Archives > Medical Science
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email support@apsciarchives.com
Date Deposited: 11 Oct 2023 05:25
Last Modified: 11 Oct 2023 05:25
URI: http://eprints.go2submission.com/id/eprint/1742

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